I've personally never done any drugs in my life so far and while that might change later it would most likely only be for something like Ayahuasca, DMT or Ibogaine. Circumstance has led me to the drug retail business where I handle the technical side of things along with intelligence on things like Law Enforcement and improving packaging. My business partner handles the drug aspect and has been in the business for several years himself as both an importer and grower of his own cannabis, although he fairly recently got the trust of a big time importer which has changed the dynamics a bit. The reason I decided to take the final step to become a drug dealer was not an ideological one at first, I've been unemployed for several years by now and if society puts zero value on me I simply have to find some other way of providing value. Time will tell if me and my business partner will be successful but we have a good combination of skills which I think can go far as long as we don't get caught. :)Might sound semi-corny but Silk Road itself and the spirit of Dread Pirate Roberts in a sense for me has transformed the drug dealing job into an ideology where the purpose is to be unrestricted by constructs of society - I will not say governments as unfortunately the reality is they have very large support of the people in general. For me personally I'm in it for the long run now simply because drugs should not be outlawed, and until we've gotten rid of these laws as a society we will stay stagnant in these areas indefinitely.